Perhaps a few more people in the neighborhood will agree with me that instead of dreaming of $65 million convention centers, that perhaps city leaders might think along the lines of spending a few dollars improving basic infrastructure; like investing in a modern drainage system. This is the "A" Street park a half a day after a 3 inch rain. More, much more is expected soon.....
Sure makes for great video on the evning news! :-(
I think the reason the city is so slow on this issue is because they are waiting for revenues from the state . It used to be that street (thus drainage) repairs in the city were paid by..get this..THE CITY ! But now the state has come to the aid of the cities and has taken over some street repair on streets the state now claims..hence , city government will sit on their well-endowed asses and wait for the state to come thru and do the job they were elected to do..all the while claiming their inaction is saving the tax-payers money . Meanwhile the state does nothing and water damage adds up ..insurance costs rise ..the cost of repair escalates.....For want of a nail.....
The City is slow? For Pete sakes people this is an issue that pre-dates my time when I lived in Midland during the late 60's through the early 80's. Stalagmites move faster folks.
Well, at least it adds to the charm of the City and keeps the ducks happy.
could it be that Midland is trying to host the next olympics. You know the Marc Spitz water sports.
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